Winner of the selection by the Defense Research and Analysis Institute (IRAD)/Centre for Defense Higher Studies (CASD)


Following the publication by the Defense Research and Analysis Institute – Istituto di Ricerca e Analisi della Difesa (IRAD) of determination n. 26 of 23 May 2023 with the results of the selection of the notice of public comparative procedure for the attribution of temporary research assignments “Research Plan 2023” to support the Centre for Defense Higher Studies – Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa (CASD), I resulted the winner of selection code AS-SSA-03 – The evolution of special forces in Multi Domain Operations (MDO). The necessary ability to operate in the cyber and space environment. The ability to use the “metaverse”.

The Centre for Defense Higher Studies – Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa (CASD) is the highest-ranking study institution in the field of managerial training, and security and defense studies. 

It is headed by a chairperson, assisted by his staff for the purpose of providing general support to and coordination of the activities relevant to its three autonomous institutes: the Italian Defense Higher Studies Institute – Istituto Alti Studi per la Difesa (IASD), the Joint Services Staff College – Istituto Superiore di Stato Maggiore Interforze (ISSMI) and the Defense Research and Analysis Institute (IRAD).

The Centre’s President reports directly to the Chief of Defense and is supported by a Steering Committee he presides over, comprising IASD military and civilian Adjuvant Directors, the ISSMI Director, the IRAD Director acting as secretary, and the Chief of Defense.

The Steering Committee examines and expresses its opinions on the study programs of IASD and ISSMI, on the activities carried out within the sessions and study courses, on the system for evaluating trainees and on all the organizational and functional aspects pertaining to the Center, aimed at increasing the maximum level of synergy in the use of the available human, material and financial resources.

Within the Ministry of Defense, the Defense Research and Analysis Institute (IRAD) is responsible for carrying out and coordinating research, advanced training and strategic analysis on various issues of political, economic, social, cultural and military nature and on the effects of the introduction of new technologies that determine significant changes in the defense and security scenario. IRAD contributes to the development of culture and knowledge for the general public and the national interest. 

Following the Ministry of Defense’s directions and complying with regulations on Research Quality Assessment and the National Research Program, IRAD develops studies in coordination with the Higher Education and Research Department of the CASD. 

By activating and supporting PhD programs, the Institute contributes to the higher education syllabus of the CASD in the following areas of interest: Organizational Development and Innovation; Strategic Studies; Digital Dimension, Technologies and Cybersecurity; International Legal Studies for Innovation. 

IRAD works in coordination with other Defense departments and in consortium with universities, companies and industries of the defense and security sector; it also creates synergies with public and private entities, in Italy and abroad, operating in the field of scientific research, analysis and study. 

The Institute relies on the advisory support of the Scientific Committee for its task of planning, advising and performing the scientific supervision of academic, research and publishing works. Its staff is composed by qualified “Defense researchers” as well as contract researchers and research assistants, doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers. 

IRAD incorporates a Doctoral School whose task is planning, programing and delivering courses. It also determines the necessary requirements for accessing courses, scholarships and obtaining qualifications and is responsible for any PhD program in convention/collaboration with foreign/companies institutions, etc. 

The Doctoral School is coordinated by a Coordinating Professor who represents the Doctorate in internal and external relations, coordinates the activities of the programs, convenes and presides the Academic Board and oversees the implementation of its deliberations. 

The Academic Board includes all Professors who carry out teaching activities, and: 

– are in charge of all didactic activities, teaching, training, guidance and tutoring; 

– ensure participation in examination boards; 

– supervise the reception and orientation of students through interviews and supplementary activities. 

Based on specific needs in the research sector and in line with the provisions regulating the organization and structure of doctoral schools, professional figures can be hired to support scientific research activities, such as research fellows and post-doctoral researchers. Doctoral students are admitted in PhD programs through a public selection process.