Censored by NATO due to pacifism and anti-militarism

The NATO Science & Technology Organization Collaboration Support Office decided not to publish any work where I contributed, even if already cleared and accepted for publication. The decision, that, so far, was kept secret, was communicated by the Executive Officer of the Human Factors & Medicine (HFM) Panel, Ltc Siebren Wolf, in an email addressed to […]

Paper published in RISPI

My paper ‘Guns for Hire: The Privatization of Modern Wars’ (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10705500) is published in Rivista di Studi Politici Internazionali (RSPI), vol. 90, no. 4 (2023), pp. 571-588, ISSN: 0035-6611, ISBN: 978-88-382-5326-3, ebook ISBN: 978-88-382-5412-3. The issue is available here: https://www.edizionistudium.it/riviste/categorie/Rivista%20di%20Studi%20Politici%20Internazionali and here http://rspi.it/rspi-2023-4/.

Independent Observer at the Russian Presidential Election 2024

As independent international expert/specialist, upon invitation of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation I will observe and monitor the presidential election that will be hold on 15-17 March 2024. The Civic Chamber was established in 2005 with the purpose to help citizens interact with government officials and local authorities in order to take into […]

Interview on the 10th Anniversary of the Euromaidan Uprising Released in Sputnik Int. and Geopolitics Live

My interview given to Sputnik International on occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Maidan Upraising (Euromaidan) is released and accessible here: https://sputnikglobe.com/20240217/how-fake-heavenly-hundred-was-used-to-legitimize-bloodbath–coup-detat-in-ukraine-1116827558.html. The full interview is available also in the Telegram channel of Geopolitics Live: https://t.me/geopolitics_live/16517.

Books of Abstracts of the 4th Unequal World Int. Conference Released

The abstract titled ‘The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: An Inspirational Charter’ (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10618612) is published in p. 27 of the Book of Abstracts of the 4th Unequal World Conference on Universal Human Rights Declaration and Religious Freedom – 75 Years of History of Promoting Freedoms, held in NY, 11-12 December 2023.

Comment on the Downing of Russian Military Cargo II-76 Released in Sputnik Int. and Geopolitics Live

Requested by Sputnik International, I commented on the downing of the Russian military transport aircraft Ilyushin II-76MD-90A that occurred Wednesday, and about the possible consequences for Ukrainian President Zelensky and his government. The article with my remarks is available here: https://sputnikglobe.com/20240125/il-76-provocation-setting-zelensky-up-for-fall-at-time-of-uss-choosing-1116387322.html. The full interview is available in the Geopolitics Live Telegram channel at this link: https://t.me/geopolitics_live/14547.