Comment on the Downing of Russian Military Cargo II-76 Released in Sputnik Int. and Geopolitics Live

Requested by Sputnik International, I commented on the downing of the Russian military transport aircraft Ilyushin II-76MD-90A that occurred Wednesday, and about the possible consequences for Ukrainian President Zelensky and his government. The article with my remarks is available here: The full interview is available in the Geopolitics Live Telegram channel at this link:

Paper Cited in Book Published by Springer

My article ‘The War on Cyberterrorism‘ (DOI: 10.1080/17419166.2018.1496826), appeared at pp. 172-199 of Democracy and Security Vol . 15, Issue 2 (2019), is cited by Reza Montasari in the chapter ‘Exploring the Current Landscape of Cyberterrorism: Insights, Strategies, and the Impact of COVID-19‘, pp. 65-90 of his book Cyberspace, Cyberterrorism and the International Security in […]

Paper on Morals and Ethics in Counterterrorism Published in Conatus-Journal of Philosophy

My paper Morals and Ethics in Counterterrorism ( has been released in pp. 373–398 of Vol .8, No. 2, Special Issue: “War Ethics” (Guest Editor: Jovan Babić) of the international open-access double peer reviewed academic journal Conatus – Journal of Philosophy published by NKUA Applied Philosophy Research Laboratory in partnership with the National Documentation Center, print ISSN: 2653-9373, […]

New Citations from My Works

The following articles released in December 2023 cite my previously published research. Mijanur Rahaman Seikh & Shibaji Dutta, A non-linear mathematical approach for solving matrix games with picture fuzzy payoffs with application to cyberterrorism attacks, Decision Analytics Journal, 100394, December 2023 (In Press, Journal Pre-proof), doi:, ISSN: 2772-6622. This paper cites my 2019 research on […]

Selected for the ERC Visiting Fellowship Programme 23/24

The Evaluation Committee appointed by the Rector of Cà Foscari University of Venice has selected my application submitted in the frame of the European Research Council (ERC) Visiting Fellowship Programme (VFP) 23/24. The programme is open to potential ERC candidates working at Ca’ Foscari and finances a 1-month mobility period in active ERC projects in Italy and abroad, for the […]

Lecture at Tbilisi State University, Georgia

On 8 December 2023, in the framework of the Overseas Programme Teaching Staff Mobility, I gave a lecture on The Italian Political System in the BA programme in Political Science at the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social and Political Science, of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU), Georgia. Here the post on the […]

Research Presented at the NATO STO Symposium on Cognitive Warfare in Madrid

On 13 November, at the NATO STO HFM-361 Symposium on ‘Mitigating and responding to cognitive warfare’, held at the School of Naval Engineering in Madrid, organised by the NATO S&T Collaboration Support Office (CSO) and the Human Factors and Medicine (HFM) panel, I presented (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10078485) the study Value Differences: A Starting Point for Influence […]

Chair of Main Session at 14th International Scientific Media Conference

As convener, I will chair the panel on Artificial Intelligence, Deepfakes and Disinformation at the main session of the 14th edition of the International Scientific Media Conference ‘Digital revolution and artificial intelligence as challenges for contemporary societies’, that will be hosted in hybrid format on 17 November 2023 at the University of Bielsko-Biala (Poland), organized […]