NATO STO ET-201 Technical Report on Human Security Pre-Released

The contribution written with David Hughes about the ‘Legal Framework Supporting Human Security’ is Chapter 5 (pp. 19-22) of the Technical Report STO-TR-HFM-ET-201, Ac/323(), Human Security: Frameworks, Concepts, Actors and Challenges in Relevance to NATO (DOI: 10.14339/STO-TR-HFM-ET-201; ISBN: 978-92-837-2504-6), pre-released by the NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO) in its original format, to make it immediately available […]

Citation in article published in ICSECSD

My paper ‘Inside and Beyond the Russo-Ukrainian War: The Pitfalls of the European Union‘ (2022), re-printed in the Newsletter Annual of the Academy of Yuste 2022, vol. 3, pp. 429-445 (2023), is cited by Yiran Fan in his article ‘Research of Discourse Analysis on the news coverage of the Russo-Ukrainian war: Comparing the New York […]

Video Interviews on Neo-Nazis and Russo-Ukrainian War

Two interviews that I gave on the causes of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict and on the Azov Battalion and the role of the neo-Nazi, racist, supremacist and anti-Semitic right-wing groups in Ukraine, are now released in the YouTube channel of the Real Thinkers Institute (RTI), a think-tank based in Jakarta, Indonesia. The interviews are available here: […]

Interview on Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Released in Sputnik Int.

My interview on the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, which involves Armenia and Azerbaijan, is published in Sputnik International. The interview is accessible here:

Paper on Cyber, Information, Cognitive Warfare & Metaverse Published in ACIG

My paper titled ‘Guerre à la Carte: Cyber, Information, Cognitive Warfare and the Metaverse‘ (DOI: 10.60097/ACIG/162861) is now published in vol. 2, no. 1 of Applied Cybersecurity & Internet Governance (ACIG), [ISSN: 2956-3119, E-ISSN: 2956-4395] peer-reviewed, open access journal published by NASK, National Research Institute under the supervision of the Polish Ministry of Digital Affairs.

Paper on Cyberterrorism Cited in Book Chapter Published by Springer

My paper ‘The War on Cyberterrorism’, released in Democracy and Security, 15(2), 2019, 172–199 (doi:, is cited by Pfeiffer, A., Wernbacher, T., Koenig, N., Denk, N., Vella, V., Dingli, A. in their chapter ‘Blockchains, Kryptowährungen, Utility-Token, NFTs und das Metaverse: Eine Einführung für den Bereich der Cyberkriminologie‘ (doi:, pp. 425-460 of the book […]

Large interview on Presidential Elections in Ukraine in Sputnik India

My interview on the 2024 presidential elections in Ukraine is published in Sputnik India. The interview is accessible here: Click here to download the PDF of the interview.

Selected as Technical Evaluator for the NATO DIANA 2023 Pilot Challenge Programme

I am honoured to announce that I’ve been selected from within the NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO) as technical evaluator for the Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA) 2023 pilot Challenge Programme. DIANA’s 2023 pilot Challenge Programme to innovators began in June 2023 with a competitive call for proposals targeting three strategic […]

Interview on Elections in Ukraine in Sputnik Int.

My interview on the elections in Ukraine is published in Sputnik International. The interview is accessible here: Click here to download the PDF of the interview.