My paper ‘The War on Cyberterrorism’, released in Democracy and Security, 15(2), 2019, 172–199 (doi:, is cited by Pfeiffer, A., Wernbacher, T., Koenig, N., Denk, N., Vella, V., Dingli, A. in their chapter ‘Blockchains, Kryptowährungen, Utility-Token, NFTs und das Metaverse: Eine Einführung für den Bereich der Cyberkriminologie‘ (doi:, pp. 425-460 of the book Handbuch Cyberkriminologie 1. Cyberkriminologie – Theorien, Methoden, Erscheinungsformen edited by Rüdiger, TG., Bayerl, P.S., and published by Springer VS, Wiesbaden in the series Cyberkriminologie – Theorien, Methoden, Erscheinungsformen (CTME), Print ISBN 978-3-658-35438-1; Online ISBN 978-3-658-35439-8.
Confirmed Judge at the Global Undergraduate Awards 2025
I was confirmed as Judge at The Global Undergraduate Awards (UA), Politics and International Relations panel as representative of the Department of...